Action 2

Setting up the “Bridging the North Sea Network’ Communication platform and  promotion

The Communication Platform will start as a way for exchange of information and ideas of members of the Working Groups in between and the members of the Coordination Group. When established, the Platform will form the base for Public Outreach (this website) on the public to the participating organizations and their communities. The information of the Bridging the North Sea Platform will be shared by communication team only, to ensure structure in the posts that will be shared.

There have been meetings on:
– The design of the design of the Communication Platform
– Core information that should be shared on the Platform,
– Multiple proposals on the functions and purposes of the Platform

The promotion of the Bridging the North Sea Communication Platform will take place during several regional events (for example: the North Sea Event Colijnsplaat Zeeland, the European Archaeological Days 2023, the regional ‘Harbor Days’ and events to be added).

Planned period building Platform: January – June 2023

Planned period Promotion: September 2023 – May 2024